
Hansel and Grethel

One morning, they were taken to the forest by their mother. Hansel had the stones in his pocket and they all set out together on the way to the forest, so they were able to go back home by following stones. However, next time they haven't stones so they tore a small bread and put them on the path.

There are a boy named Hansel and a girl named Grethel. They live in a forest with their parents. One day, the wife suggested taking their children out into the forest to where it is thickest and give each of them one piece of bread more, and leave them alone. Husband once hesitated to do that, but they eventually decided to that. 

When they were talking, two children were still awake because of hunger, and end up hearing that conversation. Grethel was very sad and Hansel prepare something for the sake of his dear sister. 


At that time they saw a little house that was built of bread and covered with cakes! And When they ate them, they heard a soft voice cried from the room.

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