

The referee dangled Reg by the arm
in front of the Crowd.
"The winner!" he declared.

The Dinosaur World Wrestling Final was one week away. Kevin 'Crusher' Kritosaururs was fighting Mac, the masked Megalosaurus. Every day, Kevin worked out and train with his trainer, Reg Raptor. One day, Stig Ceratosaurus, Mac's trainer lumbered into Reg's gym and meddled in Kevin persistently. 
The day of the match came, and they were on the stage. Suddenly, Kevin tripped over his tail and crushed down the steps. He couldn't walk and everyone was disappointed that Kevin was out of the fight. But Red fought with Mac instead of Kevin and finally won! Everyone cheered as Reg and Kevin collected their prize money.

I thought it is nonsense to do such stupid things in order to win.

wrestling レスリング
raptor 小型恐竜
one week away 一週間後
lumber into どしんどしんと歩く
sneer あざ笑う
snarl うなる
fumed 放つ、腹を立てる
rowing boat 漕艇
smugly うぬぼれて、気取って
enrage 激怒させる
wrestle 戦う、立ち向かう
none of your business 関係ないでしょ
dangle ぶら下がる

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